Iowa Annual Qur'an Competition 
and Party

2025 Qura'n Competition Levels*

 Saturday April 19th of 2025 

All participants must be USA residents, must be present in person at the event to participate and must adhere to the rules, terms and conditions. 

Quran Competition registration form, rules, terms and conditions; click here

 Time and location Location will be determined this fall - InshAllah- 

If you ae interested in volunteering and earning Silver Cord hours please contact Ihsan Yaseen at 

Memorization مجموعة الحفظ 


Regular Levels: *By Grade

Level 1:  Preschool & KG Aladeyat- Alnas (14 Surah's)

العاديات- الناس

Level 2 : 6 - 9  years old  Al Takweer  التكوير

Level 3: 10 - 12 years old   Al- Taghabon التغابن

Level 4: 13 - 17 years old Al Thareyat  الذاريات 
Level 5: 18 years old or older; Al Nahil النحل 

To participate in this category or if you have a question please email us at

للمشاركه في هذه المجموعه والاستفسار الرجاء التواصل معنا عبر الايميل

*AlRazi Academy, The Islamic School of Des Moines  organizes the Iowa Annual Quran Competition and party event in Des Moines, Iowa. Our event mission is to foster and nurture an appreciation, love and enthusiasm for the Holy Quran in the hearts and minds of the children and youth in the Iowa and surrounding communities. 

It aims to promote literacy in the Quran and encourage its recitation and memorization. Iowa Annual Quran Competition is a community event supported by AlRazi Academy and some local community businesses and individuals 

your involvement with the Iowa Annual Quran Competition is an opportunity for you to gain the rewards and blessing of Allah, exposure to your organization and join other individuals, organizations, and coalitions in our community to educate the youth, parents about the importance of learning Quran, promote unity efforts, and create and strengthen community partnerships. Community sponsors are the primary source of funding for this event and will help ensure its success. 

Please contact us to be part of this noble event. 

AlRazi Academy  (515)-255-0220


To Register : Please click below to  fill one form for each participant. Personal attendance is required